
Rexach JE, Cheng Y, Chen L, Polioudakis D, Lin LC, Mitri V, Elkins A, Han X, Yamakawa M, Yin A, Calini D, Kawaguchi R, Ou J, Huang J, Williams C, Robinson J, Gaus SE, Spina S, Lee EB, Grinberg LT, Vinters H, Trojanowski JQ, Seeley WW, Malhotra D, Geschwind DH. Cross-disorder and disease-specific pathways in dementia revealed by single-cell genomics. Cell 2024 Sep 9:S0092-8674(24)00910-3. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.08.019. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39265576.

Wamsley B, Bicks L, Cheng Y, Kawaguchi R, Quintero D, Grundman J,  Liu J, Xiao S, Hawken N, Margolis M, Mazariegos S, and Geschwind DH. Molecular cascades and cell-type specific signatures in autism spectrum disorders revealed by single cell genomics. Science 2024, 384, eadh2602.

Emani PS, Liu JJ, Clarke D, Jensen M, Warrell J, Gupta C, Meng R, Lee CY, Xu S, Dursun C, Lou S, (13 authors), Cheng Y, et al., Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains. Science 2024, 384, eadi5199.

Cheah M, Cheng Y*, Petrova V, Cimpean A, Jendelova P, Swarup V, Woolf CJ, Geschwind DH, Fawcett JW. Integrin-driven Axon Regeneration in the Spinal Cord Activates a Distinctive CNS Regeneration Program. Journal of Neuroscience (cover) 2023; 43 4775-4794. *co-first.

Kumar A, Karuppagounder SS, Chen Y, Corona C, Kawaguchi R, Cheng Y, Balkaya M, Sagdullaev BT, Wen Z, Coppola G, Stuart C, Cho S, Ming G, Tuvikene J, Timmusk T, Geschwind DH, Ratan RR. The Intermittent Fasting Mimetic, 2-deoxyglucose, Reprograms Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) transcription via an Adaptive ER Stress-ATF4 Pathway and Improves Outcomes in Alzheimer’s and Stroke Models. Neuron 2023 Jul 11;S0896-6273(23)00472-5.

Cheng Y, Yin Y, Zhang A, Bernstein AM, Kawaguchi R, Gao K, Potter K, Gilbert H, Ao Y, Ou J, Fricano-Kugler CJ, Goldberg JL, Woolf CJ, Sofroniew MV, Benowitz LI, Geschwind DH. Transcription factor network analysis identifies REST/NRSF as an intrinsic regulator of CNS regeneration. Nature Communications 2022; 13, 4418.

Tian F, Cheng Y*, Zhou S, Wang Q, Onavarfeshani A, Gao K, JiangW, Kawaguchi R, Wang Q, TangM, DonahueR, MengH, JacobiA, YinJ, HegartyS, StanickaJ, DmitrievP, TaubD, WoolfCJ, SanesJR, GeschwindDH, and He Z. Core transcriptional programs controlling injury-induced degeneration of retinal ganglion cells. Neuron 2022; 110, 2607-2624. *co-first.

      Featured as a cover story and highlighted in Neuron 2022;110:2516-2519.

Pardo M, Cheng Y, Sitbon YH, Lowell JA, Grieco SF, Worthen RJ, Desse S, Barreda-Diaz A. Insulin growth factor 2 (IGF2) as an emergent target in psychiatric and neurological disorders. Neuroscience Research 2018; 49:1-13

Cheng Y, Desse S, Pardo M, Martinez A, Jope RS, Beurel E. TNFα disrupts blood brain barrier integrity to maintain prolonged depressive-like behavior in mice. Brain, behavior, and immunity 2018; 69: 556-567.

Jope RS, Cheng Y, Lowell J, Worthen RJ, Sitbon YH, Beurel E.  Stressed and inflamed, can GSK3 be blamed? Trends in Biochemical Sciences 2017; 42:180-192.

Chang KC, Hertz J, Zhang X, Jin XL, Shaw P, Derosa BA, Li JY, Venugopalan P, Valenzuela DA, Patel RD, Russano KR, Alshamekh SA, Sun C, Tenerelli K, Li C, Velmeshev D, Cheng Y, Boyce TM, Dreyfuss A, Uddin MS, Muller KJ, Dykxhoorn DM, Goldberg JL. Novel Regulatory Mechanisms for the SoxC Transcriptional Network Required for Visual Pathway Development. Journal of Neuroscience. 2017; 37:4967-4981.

Cheng Y, Pardo M, Armini RS, Martinez A, Mouhsine H, Zagury JF, Jope RS, Beurel E. (2016) Stress-induced neuroinflammation is mediated by GSK3-dependent TLR4 signaling that promotes susceptibility to depression-like behavior. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2016; 53:207-222.

Pardo M, Cheng Y, Velmeshev D, Magistri, M, Eldar-Finkelman H, Martinez A, Faghihi M, Jope RS, Beurel E. (2016). Intranasal siRNA administration can regulate learning and ameliorate deficits in Fragile X syndrome mice. JCI Insight 2.

Grieco SF, Cheng Y, Eldar-Finkelman H, Jope RS, Beurel E. Up-regulation of insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) by ketamine requires glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibtion. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 2016; 72: 49-54.

Cheng Y, Jope RS, Beurel E. A pre-conditioning stress accelerates increases in mouse plasma inflammatory cytokines induced by stress. BMC Neuroscience 2015; 16:31

King MK, Pardo M, Cheng Y, Downey K, Jope RS, Beurel E. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 inhibitors: rescuers of cognitive impairments. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2014; 141: 1-12